Календарь событий

03 ноября 2023

The 50 Best Japanese Movies of all Time (Time Out)

Лучшие японские фильмы всех времен по версии издания Time Out:

1. Seven Samurai (1954)
2. Ugetsu Monogatari (1953)
3. Tokyo Story (1953)
4. Rashomon (1950)
5. Late Spring (1949)
6. Woman in the Dunes (1964)
7. Spirited Away (2001)
8. Akira (1988)
9. Harakiri (1962)
10. Cure (1997)

11. Ran (1985)
12. Perfect Blue (1997)
13. Ringu (1998)
14. Tokyo Olympiad (1965)
15. Ikiru (1952)
16. Sansho the Bailiff (1954)
17. Floating Weeds (1959)
18. My Neighbor Totoro (1988)
19. Yojimbo (1961)
20. Hana-bi (1997)

21. Audition (1999)
22. High and Low (1963)
23. Godzilla (1954)
24. Kwaidan (1964)
25. Maborosi (1995)
26. The Burmese Harp (1956)
27. Onibaba (1964)
28. Battle Royale (2000)
29. Lady Snowblood (1973)
30. Grave of the Fireflies (1988)

31. House (1977)
32. In the Realm of the Senses (1976)
33. Nobody Knows (2004)
34. Funeral Parade of Roses (1969)
35. Love Exposure (2008)
36. Girls of the Night (1961)
37. Tampopo (1985)
38. A Fugitive From the Past (1965)
39. When a Woman Ascends the Stairs (1960)
40. Sonatine (1993)

41. Drive My Car (2021)
42. Fires on the Plain (1959)
43. The Ballad of Narayama (1983)
44. Tokyo Drifter (1966)
45. Gate of Hell (1953)
46. Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989)
47. Crazy Thunder Road (1980)
48. Departures (2008)
49. Suzaku (1997)
50. One Cut of the Dead (2018)


The 100 Best French Movies of all Time (Time Out)

Лучшие французские фильмы всех времен по версии издания Time Out:

1. Les Enfants du Paradis (1945)
2. La Règle du Jeu (1939)
3. The Passion of Joan of Arc (1927)
4. Playtime (1967)
5. Le Mépris (1967)
6. Amélie (2001)
7. L’Atalante (1934)
8. Cléo from 5 to 7 (1962)
9. The 400 Blows (1959)
10. La Belle et la Bête (1946)

11. L’Armée des Ombres (1969)
12. Day for Night (1973)
13. Les Demoiselles de Rochefort (1967)
14. The Wages of Fear (1953)
15. Mon Oncle (1958)
16. Breathless (1960)
17. Jules and Jim (1962)
18. Amour (2012)
19. Au Hasard Balthazar (1966)
20. A Prophet (2009)

21. Caché (2005)
22. La Grande Illusion (1937)
23. Lift to the Scaffold (1958)
24. Wooden Crosses (1932)
25. The Chorus (2004)
26. Les Misérables (2019)
27. Van Gogh (1991)
28. Pierrot le Fou (1965)
29. 120 Beats per Minute (2017)
30. Buffet Froid (1979)

31. Last Year at Marienbad (1961)
32. Blue is the Warmest Colour (2013)
33. Le Samouraï (1967)
34. A Trip to the Moon (1902)
35. Napoléon (1927)
36. Pot Luck (2002)
37. I Lost My Body (2019)
38. Le Corbeau (1943)
39. Belle de Jour (1967)
40. La Haine (1995)

41. Céline and Julie Go Boating (1974)
42. Le Boucher (1969)
43. Un Chien Andalou (1929)
44. Les Tontons Flingueurs (1963)
45. To Our Loves (1983)
46. Les Diaboliques (1955)
47. Mouchette (1967)
48. Silken Skin (1964)
49. My Night with Maud (1969)
50. Maine Océan (1986)

51. The Beat That My Heart Skipped (2005)
52. Plein Soleil (1960)
53. La Vie En Rose (2007)
54. Naked Childhood (1968)
55. The Class (2008)
56. Série Noire (1979)
57. Histoire(s) du Cinéma (1998)
58. The Red Circle (1970)
59. Pickpocket (1959)
60. The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964)

61. La Grande Vadrouille (1966)
62. My Sex Life… Or How I Got Into An Argument (1996)
63. Delicatessen (1991)
64. The King and the Mockingbird (1980)
65. La Beauté du Diable (1950)
66. Une Chambre en Ville (1982)
67. Je t’aime, je t’aime (1969)
68. Le Goût des Autres (2000)
69. La Chienne (1931)
70. Loulou (1980)

71. Du Côté d’Orouët (1973)
72. A Christmas Tale (2008)
73. Fill ’er Up With Super (1976)
74. Sauve Qui Peut (la Vie) (1979)
75. L’Âge d’Or (1930)
76. Le Doulos (1962)
77. Clean Slate (1981)
78. La Piscine (1968)
79. The Artist (2011)
80. The City of Lost Children (1995)

81. Le Grand Détournement / La Classe Américaine (1993)
82. La Collectionneuse (1967)
83. India Song (1975)
84. The Unfaithful Wife (1968)
85. Games of Love and Chance (2004)
86. Les Vampires (1915)
87. Les Baisers de Secours (1989)
88. Le Plaisir (1952)
89. La Vie de Jésus (1997)
90. Petite Maman (2021)

91. The Night is Young (1986)
92. Sans Soleil (1983)
93. Le Feu Follet (1963)
94. Monsieur Hulot’s Holiday (1953)
95. Un Air de Famille (1996)
96. That Man From Rio (1964)
97. Vincent, François, Paul et les Autres (1974)
98. Le Trou (1960)
99. Remorques (1939)
100. Enter the Void (2009)
