Календарь событий

31 декабря 2024

HyperAllergic: 25 Best Films 2010's

Список 25 лучших фильмов декады (2010's) по версии критиков HyperAllergic:

1. No Home Movie, 2015, directed by Chantal Akerman
2. Moonlight, 2016, directed by Barry Jenkins
3. Zama, 2018, directed by Lucrecia Martel
4. The Act of Killing / The Look of Silence / The Act of Killing 2013, directed by Joshua Oppenheimer, Christine Cynn, and Anonymous. The Look of Silence 2015, directed by Joshua Oppenheimer
5. The Tree of Life, 2011, directed by Terrence Malick
6. Get Out , 2017, directed by Jordan Peele
7. Under the Skin , 2014, directed by Jonathan Glazer
8. Cameraperson, 2016, directed by Kirsten Johnson
9. Horse Money, 2015, directed by Pedro Costa
10. Inherent Vice, 2014, directed by Paul Thomas Anderson

11. Lemonade, 2016, directed by Kahlil Joseph, Beyoncé Knowles, Melina Matsoukas, Dikayl Rimmasch, Todd Tourso, Mark Romanek, and Jonas Åkerlund
12. Margaret, 2011, directed by Kenneth Lonergan
13. Holy Motors, 2012, directed by Leos Carax
14. Certified Copy, 2011, directed by Abbas Kiarostami
15. The Tale of the Princess Kaguya, 2014, directed by Isao Takahata
16. Mad Max: Fury Road, 2015, directed by George Miller
17. HyperNormalisation, 2016, directed by Adam Curtis
18. Parasite, 2019, directed by Bong Joon-ho
19. High Life, 2019, directed by Claire Denis
20. Love is the Message, the Message is Death, 2016, directed by Arthur Jafa
21. Citizenfour, 2014, directed by Laura Poitras
22. Certain Women, 2016, directed by Kelly Reichardt
23. The Grand Bizarre, 2018, directed by Jodie Mack
24. On the Beach at Night Alone, 2017, directed by Hong Sang-soo
25. Shirkers, 2018, directed by Sandi Tan
