AFA 2010-2014: Best Adapted Screenplay

AFA 2010 Winner
'The Social Network'

Alter. 'The Ghost Writer', 'True Grit', 'Toy Story 3', 'Winter's Bone', 'The Town'.

AFA 2011 Winner
'The Ides of March'

Alter. 'Moneyball', 'The Descendants', 'A Dangerous Method', ''Oslo, 31. august', 'The Deep Blue Sea'.

AFA 2012 Winner
'Dupa dealuri'

Alter. 'Silver Linings Playbook', 'Life of Pi', 'Broken', 'Cosmopolis', 'Lincoln'.

AFA 2013 Winner
'La vie d'Adèle - Chapitres 1 et 2'

Alter. 'Before Midnight', 'The Wolf of Wall-street', '12 Years A Slave', 'August: Osage County', 'The Spectacular Now'.

AFA 2014 Winner
'Inherent Vice'

Alter. 'Gone Girl', 'Wild', 'The Imitation Game', 'Kis uykusu', 'American Sniper'.
