Oscar 2016 Predictions Consensus (after December)

Посмотрим, насколько схожи прогнозы трех ведущих аналитиков (Файнберг, Дэвис, Тэпли). Ниже опубликованы категории и 1 место каждого специалиста (кто кого видит на данный момент с "Оскаром" перед 31 декабря).

Best Picture
Scott Feinberg: 'Spotlight' 
Clayton Davis: 'Spotlight'
Kris Tapley: 'Spotlight'

Best Director
Scott Feinberg: Ridley Scott, 'The Martian'
Clayton Davis: Thomas McCarthy, 'Spotlight'
Kris Tapley: Thomas McCarthy, 'Spotlight'

Best Actor
Scott Feinberg: Leonardo DiCaprio, 'The Revenant'
Clayton Davis: Leonardo DiCaprio, 'The Revenant'
Kris Tapley: Leonardo DiCaprio, 'The Revenant'

Best Actress
Scott Feinberg: Brie Larson, 'Room'
Clayton Davis: Brie Larson, 'Room'
Kris Tapley: Brie Larson, 'Room'

Best Supporting Actor
Scott Feinberg: Sylvester Stallone, 'Creed'
Clayton Davis: Mark Rylance, 'Bridge of Spies'
Kris Tapley: Mark Rylance, 'Bridge of Spies'

Best Supporting Actress
Scott Feinberg: Alicia Vikander, 'The Danish Girl'
Clayton Davis: Alicia Vikander, 'The Danish Girl'
Kris Tapley: Alicia Vikander, 'The Danish Girl'

Best Original Screenplay
Scott Feinberg: 'Spotlight'
Clayton Davis: 'Spotlight'
Kris Tapley: 'Spotlight'

Best Adapted Screenplay
Scott Feinberg: 'The Martian'
Clayton Davis: 'Room'
Kris Tapley: 'Steve Jobs'
